The Linc

A full archive of writing for The Linc can be found here.

Here are some extracts and links to the best pieces for The Linc.

Comedy’s last unmentionable

Comedy is infectious. Once you start laughing it can be difficult to stop and this isn’t a bad thing. Laughter reduces stress, strengthens your immune system and releases endorphins leaving you feeling uplifted.

Over the years the spectrum of conventional comedy has widened. We now laugh openly about sex, race and sexuality, but there is something missing. Disabilities. Running about 30 years behind the other comedy movements, you might expect disability to be on an equal standing with every other topic, but it seems to be lagging behind.

Bowling for Soup will ‘always be the happy guys’

When Bowling for Soup formed in 1994, nobody knew that they would still be going nearly 17 years later.

Jaret Reddick, lead vocalist in the pop-punk band, admits that he didn’t see Bowling for Soup being this successful. “It was never any sort of career choice or anything like that, until after we had been doing it for a few years and even then it was like ‘hey, lets just see how far we can take this thing’.But you know, all the time knowing ‘everything can end tomorrow’ you know?

Sandi Thom: ‘The rise is pretty quick but you fall just as fast’

The Scottish songstress Sandi Thom has come a long way since her dreams of becoming a punk rocker got her to number one in 2006.

Thom first shot to fame with her webcasts from her flat in London, which is quite a unique way to gain media attention. She got the idea from a show she had played in Scotland. “I played one particular show in Edinburgh at a venue called the West Bank… the whole thing was webcasted.

Stewart Francis was a ‘funny child’

Here’s some advice from stand-up comic Stewart Francis for those of you who want to get into comedy: “There’s enough work to go around, we don’t need you, go back to where you came from.

“No, give it a go. Be honest with yourself, if you truly think you’re funny then you have to pursue it because you don’t want to later in life be one of those woulda, coulda, shoulda people, but if you’re not funny don’t do it because stage time is precious and you could be taking that stage time away from someone who is actually funny.”

Motion City Soundtrack are on a universal high

Panic, caffeine, and pizza. These were the only ingredients that Motion City Soundtrack’s lead vocalist, Justin Pierre, had in his life when preparing for the band’s UK tour.

 Along with guitarist Joshua Cain, Pierre is the only founding member to remain in the band’s current lineup, and though the band haven’t toured the UK for six years, they have built up a strong fan-base that Pierre has great admiration for.

Residents in Pavilions will be charged for excrement found in a lift unless the perpetrator is found. On Thursday February 18th the facilities team of Pavilions discovered human excrement in the lift of Ellison House. This incident follows a graffiti attack in Proctor Mews the week before, as well as another incident of excrement in the same block.

Samantha Barnes, marketing assistant at Digs, said that the cost to clean the excrement will be about £126, equating to £1 per resident. This cost can’t be avoided by residents despite the fact that the perpetrator may not even live in the block in question. If residents refuse to pay then Digs, the company who run Pavilions, will deduct the cost from the £150 deposit.

Students want their £500 bursary back

A student is campaigning for a £500 university bursary to be reinstated.

Callum Barre, a first year media student at the University of Lincoln, created a Facebook group to petition for the cause. At the time of writing, the group had over 1,400 members, but only a fraction of that number had signed the attached petition.

The money was paid to all students who finished the academic year, but was stopped for this year’s intake. Those who started their studies in 2007 will be the last group of students to receive it.

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